We live in a time-starved world. We want to accomplish so much but have so little time. We have so little time that spending precious hours untangling problems is the last thing we want to address. We pretend to be oblivious. In this fast-paced modern society, the intimate, one-on-one connection is too often neglected in a rush of familial and social obligations. Often, we ignore problems for so long that they become even more complicated, tangled, twisted.
The real obstacle is most likely not because we lack love. Or do we? It is likely that the real obstacle of a life full of love, is not knowing how to handle complications or not having the willingness in the materialistic society to spend any time on tribulations. We have so little time that our time-starved lives often end up hurting relationship. Then, there is so little time to mend a fragile heart. As if there is an unwritten treaty in the modern society to close our eyes and pretend everything is perfect, wherein it is not. Do you find yourself in a situation that you need to address but you are not quite addressing it? Isn’t this the best time to at least acknowledge that the inner restlessness need to calm down?
While you take a deeper look in life, I present you an easy recipe to free you up time in the kitchen – Brussels sprouts kababs served with sweet chili sauce. These roasted kebabs are fabulous for party appetizer, quick snack, or sides for dinner. Above all, they are easy to prepare. Mostly, I sprinkle my favorite spices and roast the Brussels sprouts in the oven. However, I have roasted them on stovetop many a times. Love both versions.
This simple preparation of roasted Brussels sprouts yields a delicious results served with the sweet chili sauce. Serving the vegetable in bamboo skewers, kabab style, adds a fun and festive spin to the dish. No one can deny kababs.
- 1 lb Brussels Sprouts
- 1 teaspoon panch foron, ground
- ½ teaspoon red chili, crushed
- 2-3 garlic cloves, crushed
- 2 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
- Salt to taste
- Sweet chili sauce, for serving
- Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Cut Brussels sprouts in half and sprinkle the with oil, spices and salt.
- Place on a baking sheet, cut side down.
- Bake in for 22-25 minutes until beautifully golden on both sides, turning once. Alternatively, you can roast the Brussels sprouts on stovetop also for about 12-15 minutes.
- Serve with sweet chili sauce on bamboo skewers.
We love the Brussels sprout kababs even without the sauce.
রেসিপিঃ ব্রাসেলস স্প্রাউট কাবাব
১ পাউন্ড ব্রাসেলস স্প্রাউট
১ চা চামচ পাঁচফোড়ন, গুড়া
১/২ চা চামচ লাল মরিচের গুড়া
২-৩ টি রসুন কোয়া, কুচি করে কাটা
২ টেবিল চামচ এক্সট্রা ভার্জিন অলিভ অয়েল
লবন, স্বাদমত
সুইট চিলি সস, পরিবেশনের জন্য
প্রস্তুত প্রণালীঃ
১. ৩৫০ ডিগ্রী ফারেনহাইটে ওভেন প্রিহিট করুন।
২. ব্রাসেলস স্প্রাউট গুলো অর্ধেক ক্রে কেটে তেল, মসলা এবং লবন ছিটিয়ে দিন।
৩. বেকিং শিটে ব্রাসেল স্প্রাউটের গুলোর কাটা দিক নিচের দিকে দিয়ে ওভেনে দিন।
৪. ২২ – ২৫ মিনিট বা সোনালী রঙ না হওয়া পর্যন্ত বেক করুন। মধ্যে একবার উল্টিয়ে দিন। ওভেনে বেক করতে না চাইলে, চুলায় আল্প তেলে ভেজে নিন।
৫. বাঁশের কাঠিতে ঢুকিয়ে সুইট চিলি সস দিয়ে পরিবেশন করুন।
প্রয়োজনিও কিছু টিপস্ এর জন্যে দয়াকরে আটির্কেল অথবা ইংরেজি রেসিপির নোট সেকশনটা একটু দেখে নেবেন।
A meatless kabab… Love this idea!
Thank you, Denise.
I love baked version of Brussels sprouts. They so easy to prepare and makes a good healthy snack within minutes.
Couldn’t agree more, Shibi. Thank you!
This is such a great new way to enjoy brussels sprout! I like my brussels sprout roasted until crispy and eat with minimum seasoning. But the chili sauce idea sounds really delicious and I want to try it out now! 🙂
We like ours crispy too. The chili sauce really add a punch to the roasted Brussels sprouts. Give it a try sometimes. Thank you, Maggie.
Yeah, time is precious, isn’t it? Never enough of it, it seems. Anyway, love Brussels sprouts! Terrific recipe — thanks.
Time is precious and we often don’t manage it well. Glad you like the Brussels Sprouts Kababs. Thank you.
Meatless kebabs are the best 😛 You persuade me to eat brussel sprouts!
Choc Chip Uru
Try them out, Uru. You won’t regret it. I would love to know your experience. Thanks a lot!
I always have the same feeling and I always feel guilty towards my kids :(. I believe that I’ll wake up one day finding them all grown ups and away from home. I think our problem is in time management. Thanks for the recipe… I hope I’ll give it a try as I have a bad relationship with brussels sprouts 🙂
I agree. I don’t think there is a shortage of love, but definitely the way we manage time. I hope you just don’t wake up one day to see your ids are all grown but cherish the time and memories along the way, my friend.
As for the Brussels Sprouts, I am coming to know that a lot of people don’t like this delicious vegetable. You should give it a try. I have a hunch you’ll like it. Thank you, Amira.
When my Maa was here, she made Brussels sprout pakoras.:)
I’ve had fried Brussels sprouts at Tapas which tasted same as roasted, so I always preferred the roasted ones. Pakoras are a different breed that I can never deny. Thank you, Soma.
Your recipes always have a twist/ spin to them that makes one feel so excited about food. Well done
That is one of the best compliment I have ever heard, Taruna. Thanks a lot, my friend. You made my day!
Awesome, very creative and original idea! Pinned!
Thanks a lot! Glad you like it. Also, thank you for pinning.
This sounds delicious. I have a bag of frozen brussels sprouts and have been wondering what to do with it. 🙂
There you go, Manju. Make some kababs out of those Brussels sprouts. Though I have always used fresh ones, I am sure the frozen sprouts will turn out great too.
Lail, this is such a creative way to serve Brussel sprouts…love the presentation…
Hope you are having a great week 🙂
Thank you, Juliana. Have a fabulous weekend ahead, my friend.
I think a major issue is that we tend to sweep issues under the rug, and then with all of those problems unresolved it creates even bigger problems. Open communication is key.
I love this idea by the way! I always have sweet chili sauce on hand for spring rolls, but what a great way to spruce up brussel sprouts!
You are spot on, my friend. Without open communication, the unresolved problems just get bigger and bigger. Then one day, those comes out as a blast.
Glad you like the meatless kababs. Thank you, dear.
Lail, these are so cute! Never thought to put Brussels sprouts onto skewers.
Roasted & paired w sweet chili sauce is the ONLY way I’m willing to eat these li’l buggers.
Happy holidays, sweetie! xo
Happy Holidays to you too, dear. I am glad you found a way to eat your Brussels Sprouts 🙂
wow, this is super creative! looks so yummy, love Brussels sprouts!
Glad you like it Allyson. Hope you get to try sometimes. Thank you!