Image : Halal Travelgrams
It’s Autumn! That means it’s the best season to bake pies. And With A Spin is sponsoring an exciting baking contest. So, Get ready!! Preheat your oven, fire up your competitive spirit, and enter our 2018 Baking contests.
What is the Contest Theme?
The theme of this contest is “Pies”. It can be a traditional pie, a mini pie, a tart, or even a hand pie.
Here’s the details –
- Create a pie that uses at least one or more WithASpin cookie cutters to decorate the pie crust.
- The pie can be sweet or savory. Find inspiration to decorate your pies in this board here. (We will add more examples during the month).
- Pick whatever recipe you think will work with this theme. The recipe does not have to be original, but if you enter a recipe from a published or online source, tell us where you got it.
- Register to enter the contest.
- Submit a photo of the pie before the deadline.
Who can enter?
The contest is open to home bakers, bloggers and professional bakers working from their home kitchens.
How do you enter the contest?
Thursday, November 22, 2018. Enter the contest by filling out the Baking contest registration form.
What is the deadline for final submission?
Sunday, December 9, 2018. Submit your recipe and photos on this contest submission form.
What are the entry requirements?
- Your pie design must contain at least one or more eligible product from the list below.
- One or more molds from WithASpin Islamic Cookie cutter set
- One or more molds from WithASpin Harmony set
- One or more molds from WithASpin Lanterns set
- Follow us and our Pie contest partner on instagram – WithASpin & Halal Travelgrams
Must provide a legible recipe with the entry. In your Entry, you must include each recipe ingredient with specific flavor, exact measurements or weights, and complete step-by-step preparation instructions.
- Must provide 3 photos of the pies.
- All ingredients must be halal
What are the prizes?
Winners get WithASpin shop gift certificates:
$50 for first place
$35 for second and
$15 for third.
How will entries be judged?
3 Judges will review all Entries and select a limited number of eligible Entries to become finalists (each, a “Finalist”).
Judging criteria:
- Appearance and creativity in using the cookie cutters : 40 points
- Photo and demonstration of passion : 30 points
- Crowd Appeal : 30 points
- Total : 100 points
Photography Criteria:
- Must use a white background when taking the photos. For example, a white table cloth, wax paper, etc. makes great white background for the photo. Be creative in choosing your white background.
- Try and avoid heavy sunshine and heavy shadows in the photos. We will share photo tips. Keep an eye on Instagram and Facebook.
- Submit 3 high resolution photos.
- A photo of your ingredients including the cookie cutter(s) you are using.
- Pie before baking.
- Pie after baking.
General Conditions:
By submitting your Entry, you accept all Contest rules and agree to be bound by the decisions of the judges, which will be final. You also agree that WithASpin, LLC reserves the right to edit, adapt, publish, transfer your Entry or Entries and use any or all of them, and allow others to do so, without compensation. Except where prohibited, accepting a prize in the Contest constitutes your consent for Sponsors and their nominees to use your Entry, name and any content gathered by Sponsors for promotional purposes in any media without further payment or consideration.
WithASpin, LLC reserves the right to cancel this promotion or any part of this competition at its sole discretion.
If for any reason an Entry is confirmed to have been erroneously deleted, lost, or otherwise destroyed or corrupted, entrant’s sole remedy is another Entry in the Contest.
Thank you and Happy Baking!
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