It’s been raining a lot lately. When it pours on the outside with dark cloud surrounding the environment, Bengalis crave for kichuri. A piping hot plate of khichuri is just what the heart desires when a Bengali come home soaked from the rains. Some Tagore songs on the background, and a quick nap if someone can squeeze it in is the definition of a classic rainy day for Bengalis.
Rain is almost synonymous with eating khichuri for Bengalis. It is the ultimate comfort food for rainy days or any days as a matter of fact.
Bengalis have a very soft spot for this down home one-pot rice dish. The aromas of rice, dal flavored with ghee is intricately intertwined with the smell of the wet earth fresh from the raindrops. In Bangladesh, khichuri is mainly served with fried Hilsha, beef rezala or an egg curry and alu bhorta. A simple omelette served with khichuri can also be a simple delicious soulfood for Bangladeshis. In my family, we often make a quick pickled onion to serve with kichuri.
Khichuri recipes vary from one household to another. The consistency differs, the spices differ, and sometime the ingredients such as the type of lentil or vegetables put in the mishmash may differ depending on the personal preference. However, with all its differences, khichuri is an easy meal to prepare and guaranteed to be delicious each time. Bhuna khichuri has a pilaf like texture and considerably drier than other versions of khichuri. My mom makes bhuna khichuri with mung beans so do I.
The Bengali khichuri is what the world calls Khichdi and the British calls Kichdee. Other alternatives you may see is khichri, khichdee, khichadi, khichari, kitcheree, kitchree and so on.
This rice dish can be served on a regular day or during parties and celebrations. Please make it, eat it. You’re welcome in advance for forcing you to do this.
- 1 cup Mung bean
- 2 cup Basmati rice
- ½ cup ghee or butter
- ½ cup onion, sliced
- 2 green chilies
- 2 teaspoons garlic paste
- 1 teaspoon ginger paste
- 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
- 1 teaspoon roasted cumin powder
- 1 bay leaf
- 2-3 cloves
- 2-3 cinnamon, about 1” each
- 5 cups boiled water
- 1 tablespoons salt
- Wash rice and mung bean. Strain all the water. Set aside.
- Add ghee/butter in a pan on medium heat. Add onion and sautee until slightly golden.
- Add everything from chilies to cinnamon. Fry for 2-3 minutes or until fragrant.
- Add salt and boiled water. At the sight of bubbles, put a lid on the pan and cook for 20-22 minutes or until rice and bean is done.
- Serve with pickled onion.
Recipe : Pickled Red Onion
1 Red Onion
- Peel, wash and pat dry the onion. Thickly slice in a way to get round onion rings.
- Add the rings in a small bowl. Pour vinegar to submerge the slices. Wait 10-12 minutes before serving.
- You can store pickled onion in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.
রেসিপি : খিচুরি
১ কাপ মুগ ডাল
২ কাপ বাসমতী চাল
১/২ কাপ ঘি অথবা বাটার
১/২ কাপ পেয়াজ কুচি
২ টি কাঁচামরিচ
২ চা চামচ রসুন বাটা
১ চা চামচ আদা বাটা
১ চা চামচ হলুদ গুড়া
১ চা চামচ ভাজা জিরা গুড়া
১ টি তেজপাতা
২/৩ টি লং
২/৩ টি দারচিনি, প্রতিটি প্রায় ১” লম্বা
৫ কাপ গরম পানি
১ টেবিল চামচ লবণ
প্রস্তুত প্রনালিঃ
১. চাল এবং মুগ ডাল ধুয়ে পানি ঝরাতে দিন।
২. প্যানে ঘি অথবা বাটার দিয়ে মাঝারি তাপে গরম করুন। পেয়াজ দিয়ে বেরেস্তা করুন।
৩. মরিচ থেকে দারচিনি পর্যন্ত সব উপকরন যোগ করে ২/৩ মিনিট সুগন্ধ বের না হওয়া পর্যন্ত ভাজুন।
৪. লবন এবং গরম পানি দিন। বুদবুদ দেখা মাত্র, ঢাকনা দিয়ে ২০/ ২২ মিনিট বা চাল ও ডাল সেদ্ধ না হওয়া পর্যন্ত রান্না করুন।
৫. ভিনেগারে ডুবানো পেঁয়াজ, গরুর রেজালা ও আলু ভর্তা দিয়ে পরিবেশন করুন।
WOw, this is really new for me,
never heard any rice and mungbean in the same dish before, tempting to try,
btw, this is still mung dall if i add some lamb or goat meat ???
Thank you, Dedy. If you have never tried this dish, I highly recommend you to try. This dish suits all palates perfectly 🙂
If you like to add cooked meat in kichuri, you can still add much dal. Other options are masoor or chana dal. Let me know if you have any more questions. Thank you for stopping by, my friend.
Basmati rice + spices + chilies = deliciousness!!! I have to make this, Lail!
Chances are you’ll fall in love with this dish, Denise. Thank you!
I love Mung beans – love all the spices in this simple, aromatic and gorgeous dish.
Thank you Shashi. Gorgeous comfort food it is 🙂
yum, as always!
Thank you, Liz.
Looks wonderful, I bet it tastes so good with the pickled onions!
It tastes divine, Chris. Thank you for stopping by.
Turmeric in anything <3. I love this look of your fluffy rice!
Wow…this looks awesome and so new to me!
As salami alaikum Lail what a great recipe! I love khichuri but I have only ever had the more soupy variation. Also just wanted to add that as a second generation Bangladeshi living in the UK I am so inspired by your blog and love the fact that authentic Bangladeshi home cooking is finally getting the attention it deserves!
Walaikum as salam, dear Adiba. I am glad you love the recipe. Thank you. I love the soupy variation too and it was a family tradition to cook the gola khichuri for my mom on Eid ul Adha. Hope you get to try the bhuna khichuri sometimes.
Also, I am glad that you find the blog inspiring. It gives me hope that as a second generation American my daughter may find it inspiring one day. Thank you for commenting and helping me discover you. Off to your blog. Hope to see you around soon again.
আমার আম্মু ঈদের দিন সকাল বেলায় এই খিচুড়িটা করেন, সাথে কলিজা ভুণা। মুগ ডাল কি তাওয়ায় টেলে নিতে হবে?
হ্যাঁ, তাওয়ায় একটু টেলে নেয়া যেতে পারে, তবে তাড়া থাকলে প্যানে বেরেস্তা ও অন্যান্য উপকরন যোগ করে ২/৩ মিনিট ভেজে নিলেও হবে। অ্যান্টিকে সালাম জানাবেন। আনেক শুভ কামনা।
অনেক ধন্যবাদ
Lail, I just wanted to say that this is the best recipe – I love bhuna khichuri and I have made your recipe many times and it is so easy. I think we might be having it tomorrow for Eid. Eid Mubarak to you and if you ever write a Deshi cookbook I will buy it
Eid Mubarak, Naomi. Thank you so much for stopping by to let me know that the bhuna khichuri turns out delicious for you. I am so glad to hear that. I am flattered to hear that you’ll buy my cookbook though I am not considering writing one yet. I think I have a long way to go before I can write one 🙂
Take care and hope to see you around the blog again soon.
This dish looks absolutely fantastic. I would love to taste it right now!
Khichuri is indeed delicious! I hope you get to try the recipe soon and try the comforting rice dish. Thank you so much for stopping by.
As usual, a great recipe, especially for rainy days like today for us. I think I’ll serve with omelette and begun bhaja (fried eggplant). Thanks!
I love khichuri with omelette and begun bhaja. Now I’m drooling to have some. Thanks much Lani. Your comment always puts a smile on me.
This bhuna Khichoori recipe is the best! Thank you for putting up the recipe online.
My pleasure. Thank you so much for stopping by to let me know. Hope you’ll try some of the other recipes.
Glad you like it, Asma. Thank you!
Plz tell me how many people can eat from this recipe?
Depending on what kind of sides you serve with the khichuri, this recipe should be good for 5-8 people. Also, my cups are the small cups that some with the rice cookers in the US. Hope this helps.
I used this recipe for my assignment
Ever since learning how to cook I’ve come to this recipe every time it’s raining and I wanna make some khichuri. I remember the first time I made this recipe- absolute perfection! It’s a hit every time!! Such a simple recipe yet soo so delicious!!
Thank you!!
Just made it today! Instead of butter/ghee I used mustard oil and when it was almost done cooking I added in 2 tsp of ghee. I also didn’t use basmati rice I used chingiri rice ( small grained rice). It was amazing. I will only be using this recipe for now on!