Apple chutney didn’t exist in Bangladesh when I was living there. I migrated to the USA and heard everyone loves apple sauce, so I had to give it a try. The sauce slid down my throat without leaving much of an impression. I didn’t dislike it, but it was bland..blah. Next thing I know, I needed to give the applesauce some character so made chutney. Apple chutney, a sexier, more exotic version of apple sauce. While applesauce slides down the throat without leaving much of an impression, apple chutney hits the tongue in all the right places. Apple chutney is sweet and hot, spicy and sour, sticky and silky all at the same time. Trust me, no one can deny the irresistible taste of apple chutney.
Apple chutney is delicious. if you do it right, it’s hard to stop eating. The chutney is easy to make and fills the house with a sweet, tangy, home-harvest aroma, the scent of fall. The dry red chili pepper makes the chutney fiery.
How to eat this chutney? Spread it on crackers, slather on burgers, dollop it on sandwiches(try on your next cheese sandwich) or just eat it plain with a spoon. There’s enough flavor in there that you run no risk of getting bored. I even love to serve the chutney with plain rice, naan or biryani. The best yet, lick the chutney off with fingers like every Bengali does with a good chutney and finish it with a chuckle. The luscious apple chutney is a great accompaniment to roast meats and takes a blah sandwich to a whole new level.
If you plan to offer your toddler this spicy sauce, make the chutney according to the chili heat he/she can tolerate. My 3 year old daughter can eat more spicy food than I can, and she has been an avid fan of this chutney ever since I started offering her when she was one year old. She usually likes to eat the chutney as a spread on her crackers and bread, or as a side with her rice.
Apple chutney is also the perfect complement to your holiday table. Sure, everyone loves cranberry sauce during the holidays but I propose this sweet, tangy, spicy condiment to add to your festive seasonal fare. Give it a try and thank me later. Have a fabulous time.
- 2 lbs tart green apples (I used Granny Smith)
- ¼ cup sugar
- ½ cup vinegar
- 2-3 dry red chili
- 1 teaspoons cumin
- 1 teaspoon coriander
- 2 tablespoon mustard oil
- 1 teaspoon panch foron
- 1 teaspoon black salt (optional)
- Salt, according to taste
- Steps:
- Wash, peel, core and chop the apples.
- Dry roast the red chilies, coriander, and cumin. Cool a little and grind to make powder. Set aside.
- Add the apples to a heavy bottomed pan along with the sugar and vinegar. Bring it to a boil and cook until all the apple pieces are broken down and softened.
- Add the spice powder, mix well and turn off stove.
- Heat the mustard oil and temper with panch foron in a separate pan. Add the apple mixture. Add black salt. Add additional salt if needed per taste.
- Cook for 5-6 minutes. The chutney should start coating the sides of the pan and become a little sticky. Adjust seasoning, per taste.
- Cool and store in airtight container and refrigerate.
Depending on the sourness of the apples, adjust the chutney per taste if you like it to be tangier or sweeter or vice versa.
Adjust spice and texture(pulp, smooth and creamy texture) per your liking as well.
Apple tartness varies, so adjust the sour taste of the chutney per your taste as well.
রেসিপিঃ আপেলের চাটনি
২ পাউন্ড টক আপেল ( আমি গ্রানি স্মিথ ব্যবহার করেছি)
১/৪ কাপ চিনি
১/২ কাপ ভিনেগার
২-৩ টি শুকনো মরিচ
১ চা চামচ জিরা গুঁড়া
১ চা চামচ ধনে গুঁড়া
২ টেবিল চামচ সরিষার তেল
১ চা চামচ পাঁচফোড়ন
১ চা চামচ বিট লবন (ঐচ্ছিক)
লবন, স্বাদ অনুযায়ী
প্রস্তুত প্রণালীঃ
১. আপেল গুলো ধুয়ে খোসা ফেলে দিয়ে ছোট ছোট টুকরো করুন।
২. শুকনো মরিচ, জিরা এবং ধনে হালকা টেলে নিন। ঠাণ্ডা হলে মশলা গুড়ো করে রেখে দিন।
৩. একটি ডিপ প্যানে আপেলের টুকরার সাথে চিনি এবং ভিনেগার দিয়ে রান্না করুন যতক্ষণ না টুকরোগুলো ভাঙ্গা ভাঙ্গা এবং নরম হয়।
৪. গুড়ামসলা দিয়ে নেড়ে দিন এবং চুলা বন্ধ ক্রে দিন।
৫. অন্য একটি প্যানে সরিষার তেল গরম করে পাঁচ ফোড়ন দিন এবং তাতে আপেলের মিশ্রণটি ঢেলে দিন। বিট লবণ দিন। যদি স্বাদ অনুযায়ী আরও লবন লাগে, তবে লবণ যোগ করুন।
৬. ৫-৬ মিনিট রান্না করে চাটনি চটচটে হয়ে প্যান ও চামচের গায়ে লেগে আসতে শুরু করলে চেখে দেখুন। স্বাদ অনুজায়ি আরও ভাজা মসলা বা চিনি দিতে হলে সেসব দিয়ে নেড়েচেড়ে নামিয়ে নিন।
৮. চাটনি ঠাণ্ডা হলে বায়ুরোধী কাচের বয়ামে ফ্রিজে রাখুন।
প্রয়োজনিও কিছু টিপস্ এর জন্যে দয়াকরে আটির্কেল অথবা ইংরেজি রেসিপির নোট সেকশনটা একটু দেখে নেবেন।
I love love love apple chutneys. They just are a perfect combo of sweet n spice. I like your recipe for the addition of paanch foron. Such a delicious aromatic chutney.
Panch foron adds a new punch to the chutney. It’s delicious. THanks!
Mmm… looks so delicious! Love the use of delicious spices here 🙂
The chutney is scrumptious, Kiran. Give it a try sometimes. Thanks a lot!
Yum yum YUMMMMM yum! I love a good sweet-hot chutney. I was first given some in London by friends who introduced me to cheese-and-chutney sandwiches (sharp white cheddar and homemade apple chutney on toast), and I’ve been a fan ever since. I am so going to use this recipe for inspiration. 😀 Thanks!!!
I would love to know your version of the chutney after you use this as inspiration, Kathryn. This chutney is fabulous in the cheese board or with a cheese sandwich. Thanks a lot!
Your chutney looks terrific! I’d love it paired with cheddar in a grilled cheese…so yummy!!
Good choice, Liz. Thanks a lot.
Love that your 3-year old likes a kick of heat! Also agree on the mediocrity of apple sauce. I love that you spiced this up and made it a sexy cousin of apple sauce 🙂
Yeah, she is a born foodie 🙂 Glad you like the spicy version of applesauce. Thank you, my friend.
WHat a sexy looking chutney! I love chutneys in pretty much all flavors – often serving them with cheese boards etc. Love the use of spices here!
Thank you so much, Meeta. I love chutneys in cheese boards too. I am glad you love the unconventional spices in this apple chutney. Thank you again for stopping by.
I have never had apple chutney before – thinking about those sweet apples with the savory spices is making my mouth water…yum…
The chutney is mouthwatering indeed, Shashi. Thank you! Hope you get to give it a try sometimes.
This apple chutney sounds delicious Lail…I like the touch of heat and all the spices in it…indeed much tastier than the apple sauce.
Hope you are having a lovely week 🙂
Glad you agree, Juliana. Thank you! Have a fabulous week.
A good spicy chutney is always welcome here, delicious 😀
Choc Chip Uru
Glad we are on the same page on chutneys. Thanks a lot Uru.
Every time I visit your space, your photos get more and more gorgeous! Lovely shots my friend!
Thank you so much for your kind compliment, Henna. These photos were taken last year, and I wasn’t very happy with them in the beginning so never posted them. I am so glad you like them, my friend. Thanks a lot for your encouragement and love.
Chutney looks fabulous
Thank you, Dear.
Love the savory spin on the chutney! I am going to bake some cookies with apple sauce soon and your recipe looks perfect. I really like the cumin and chili pepper, adds great character to the sauce! Pinned and saved!
Thank you Maggie. This sweet, savory, spicy apple chutney is really scrumptious. Thank you for pinning.