Life is like a mirror. If you frown upon it, it frowns back. If you smile, it returns the greeting.
– William Makepeace Thackeray
Life is a priceless gift, a privilege that we should strive to live to the fullest. You decide how to live it, so why let the moments go to waste? Enjoy every bit of it. Appreciate every moment of it. In order for life to treat us well, we need to treat life well in an optimistic way. If we do nothing, nothing will ever happen. Nothing good, nothing bad, nothing exciting, nothing terrifying. Absolutely, nothing. To get to somewhere, we need to start somewhere because doing nothing at all will always get you nowhere!
If we want to accomplish something, we need to take the first step in the direction we want to go. You don’t need to figure out everything today, but just have to take that very first small, yet very big step. With the year coming to an end in less than a month, have you accomplished everything you had set out to do for the year? Is there something you need to let go or take that very first step? If so, go right at it. It is your life, shape it the way you have imagined it. One of my realization this year is that I don’t have to have everything figured out right now. Just need to act on it and listen to the inner guidance about what to do. The thought of taking the very first step makes me feel lighter and excited. And that’s all I need at this point. The other pieces of the puzzle eventually will come together with each step of the way. I will figure it out along the way. I chose to live the moments, my friends. Live the moments.
Now, on to the out of the ordinary chicken curry with sesame paste. It is a fabulous change of pace from any other curry chicken you may have tasted. This Tahini Chicken has a mix of Asian and Mediterranean taste. The nutty flavor of tahini is a great way to breathe new life into predictable chicken. Serve with roti, plain rice or with pilaf. Go ahead, take the step to try a new Chicken curry. You know you want it.
P.S. Craving more? Look through the Food and Drinks index page or meat recipes.
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Recipe : Tahini Chicken Curry
2 lbs chicken
¼ cup lemon juice
4 tablespoon tahini
1 teaspoon dry roasted cumin powder
1 teaspoon ginger paste
1 teaspoon garlic paste
1 teaspoon red chili powder
3 tablespoon desiccated coconut
½ cup oil
1 cup onion, sliced
2 teaspoon salt
2 black cardamom
1. Wash chicken pieces and drain all water. Marinate the chicken in lemon juice for about 15 minutes.
2. Make a paste with the tahini, cumin powder, garlic, ginger paste, chili powder and coconut by adding about half cup of water. Keep aside.
3. In a deep pan, heat oil. Add the onion slices and fry until they are slightly golden.
4. Pour the spice paste and fry until fragrant and oil separates.
5. Add salt, cardamom and the marinated chicken.
6. Cook in low flame till chicken is cooked and tender. Stir time to time to prevent from burning.
1. If you do not have tahini at hand, ground about 5-6 tablespoon roasted sesame seeds and make a paste with 1 tablespoon oil and cumin, garlic and ginger.
রেসিপিঃ তিল বাটায় মুরগির মাংস রেসিপি
২ পাউন্ড মুরগি
১/৪ কাপ লেবুর রস
৪ টেবিল চামচ তাহিনি
১ চা চামচ ভাজা জিরা গুড়া
১ চা চামচ আদা বাটা
১ চা চামচ রসুন বাটা
১ চা চামচ শুকনো মরিচ গুড়া
৩ টেবিল চামচ শুকনো নারিকেল
১/২ কাপ তেল
১ কাপ পেঁয়াজ, কুচি করা
২ চা চামচ লবন
২ টি বড় এলাচ
প্রস্তুত প্রনালিঃ
১. মুরগির টুকরো গুলো ধুয়ে ভালো করে পানি ঝরিয়ে নিয়ে লেবুর রস মাখিয়ে ১৫ মিনিট মেরিনেট করুন।
২. তাহিনি, নারিকেল এবং অন্যান্য মসলা একসাথে মিশিয়ে ১/২ কাপ পানি দিয়ে পেস্ট তৈরি করে রাখুন।
৩. একটি প্যানে তেল গরম করুন। তেলে পেঁয়াজ দিয়ে বাদামি করে ভাজুন।
৪. মসলার পেস্টটি প্যানে ঢেলে সুগন্ধ না বের হওয়া পর্যন্ত কষাতে থাকুন।
৫. তেল মসলা থেকে উপরে উঠলে লবন, বড় এলাচ এবং মেরিনেটেড মুরগির টুকরো গুলো প্যানে দিন।
৬. অল্প তাপে নরম ও সিদ্ধ না হওয়া পর্যন্ত মুরগি রান্না করুন। মাঝে মাঝে মুরগি নেড়ে দিবেন যেন পুড়ে না যায়।
প্রয়োজনিও কিছু টিপস্ এর জন্যে দয়াকরে আটির্কেল অথবা ইংরেজি রেসিপির নোট সেকশনটা একটু দেখে নেবেন।
A comforting and delicious dish suitable for these chilly days… xx
Love the Thackeray quote. And I’ve never had tahini in a curry before. Love the idea! This looks excellent — thanks.
I am feeling so curious to know how this would taste!!!! Gotto try this sometime…
This delicious chicken curry has an Asian and Mediterranean taste to it. Creamy, nutty, luscious curry, my friend. Give it a try sometimes. Thank you for stopping by.
What a warming curry dish, I have heard sesame also increases body heat 🙂
Love the look of your chicken 🙂
Choc Chip Uru
Agreed, Uru. Very warming and comforting chicken curry. Thank you, my friend.
I love curry flavors! Homemade chicken curry looks so delicious!
Homemade curries are the best Julia. Give it a try sometimes. Thank you for stopping by.
This looks so wonderful and fragrant. Well done, lady.
Thank you, my friend.
I’ve never thought to use tahini in a curry! I’m loving the way you are so innovative with all of your dishes! 🙂
Thank you for your kind words my friend. Give this idea of adding tahini to a curry a try and you’ll be hooked. Thanks a lot!
this is a winner. i just made it (without coconut, lemon juice) and had it with hand made chapati. ahhh…divine. thank you for the recipe 🙂
So glad to hear! If you have a photo, please feel free to share on the blog FB page. Thank you for letting me know that you enjoyed the chicken curry.
next time i will take pictures and post. from the taste i was thinking tahini can be a substitute for posto (poppy seed).
Even though the taste of posto and sesame is different, sesame can be a substitute for posto. Thanks Shayma.
Such wise words – and I must agree with all of it!
Loving the sound of this chicken curry – so unique with tahini!
Thank you, Shashi. The fact of life, right?
I am glad you like the curry too. It definitely has a unique yet nutty delicious flavor that is irresistible. Thanks again.
Your tahini spin to the chicken is very interesting. I am imagining the nutty flavor that it must have imparted to the curry.
This chicken curry is very intriguing as it has a blend of Asian and Middle Eastern taste. AND yes, the tahini adds a nutty irresistible flavor to it. Give it a try sometimes. Thank you!
In India we add poppy seed paste in some curries. Today I wanted to experiment and try sesame paste instead .. but before doing that I wanted to see if anyone is doing it already and while searching for a recipe for a curry with sesame paste, I landed up at your blog post. I am very happy to note your recipe and going to try it out today 🙂 Thanks for sharing
Hi Sarika! We use poppy seed a.k.a. posto in several dishes too. I’ so glad you landed here on With A Spin and decided to make the tahini chicken curry. It’s a delicious curry that we often enjoy. I’d love to know how your turned out. You can tag a photo #withaspin on social media and share your experience.
Thank you so much stoping by. Hope to see you around soon again.