When I started to blog in September of 2012, it was not really planned out. I didn’t know much about blogging or followed any blog. I didn’t know any blogger, didn’t know how huge the food community is. SEO, WordPress, themes? What language are you talking? With A Spin started as a whimsical project, which is very unlike me. Eventually, it reached to readers from around the world and the blog became a very important part of my life.
I loved taking photos when we were on vacation and around town but had no clue about food photography, product photography or styling(remember the very first posts on the blog with the ugliest photos ever?). I always liked to cook, add a creative spin to recipes but I didn’t know if I would enjoy blogging. As I started blogging, learning and reading other blogs, I started to love every bit of it!
As time passed by and I tried finding my niche in the world wide web, a few more ideas came and gone. However, one got stuck since last year. As I delved a deep dive in to this idea, I got excited day by day. It sucked so much time out of me that I didn’t have any to visit all of you my wonderful blogger friend’s space for a while. AND for that I owe you an apology.
I am sorry that I haven’t been able to visit you or commented on your wonderful posts as often as I should have. However, I thank you for continuing to visit With A Spin. Before I unveil the idea on the blog, I wanted to express my gratitude to you. With A Spin wouldn’t have sustained if you didn’t always support and continuously promote the blog on the social medias such as facebook, pinterest, twitter and G+. Again, I thank you for your kindness in sharing and promoting the blog. I thank you for your love and support for With A Spin. Please accept my heartfelt apology for not citing you as often as.
P.S. I had this post written about a month ago but never got around to publishing it due to a family emergency. I hope to resume the blogging responsibility and share all the exciting news that were really due about a month ago. Please Stay Tuned.
i can relate a lot with you on this dear..blogging for me is a hobby as well and sometimes other things take priority. take your time and we will be right here 🙂
Welcome back Api! Looking forward to your surprise news 😉
I missed your posts but guess what, we are thrilled to have you back. Life happens and I think your followers also get busy with all sorts of things. No reason to apologize, just welcome back to you!
Salaams Lani. You know your comments always put a smile on me. Thank you dear friend.
I am overwhelmed right now as well. Cannot sit down and write something meaningful to post. So, don’t worry, it happens to all of us. Stay positive and hang on. We will be there. This is your place and you are your own master. Blogging shouldn’t be a stress unless this is your job. Take care and sort out everything which needed to be sorted out first.
Overwhelmed in a way is the right word, Soma. I hope all is well with you. Take care, Thank you.
Hope all’s well now with the family emergency. xo
As for the blogging ins-and-outs, any of us who do this for the pleasure and personal reward of the relationships but not for a living can absolutely understand and need no apologies!! I am just glad when anyone like you whose presence in Bloglandia has given *me* pleasure thinks it worth her while. 🙂
All best to you, Lail!
Thank you Kathryn for your support and love.