Hello my lovelies! How have you been? I hope you have been savoring the season. Pumpkin patches, hayrides, and the beautiful color of autumn – the best of fall festivities. Have you been wondering where I’ve been? Why there have been almost no new posts in the last six months or so? Heck, I even feel I have neglected this space for the longest time ever. I have so many recipes, posts, photos in draft waiting to be published but I’ve been so inert. I am long overdue on telling you about what’s in the pipeline for the With A Spin product line. Yet I am stalling. The trials and turbulence of life took precedence.
This year has been difficult in so many ways leaving me looking into life in a very different perspective. This appears to be a year of so many trials. We literally started the year in a panic as the one year old of a dear friend was rushed to the ER after a fall on hard tiled floor. Then in April, a very close friend went into spine surgery, followed by my husband passing out in our kitchen with no advanced notice. Even though all results checked out normal for Ali, his fall hit very hard leaving me numb for months. You would hope that was the worse!
The worse came in August leaving a lot of our close friends traumatized for weeks. Another close and very dear friend remained in ICU, in and out of coma, for about a month after a brain surgery. None of us had the slightest clue that this could happen. Yet, it did! He went to the best place in the whole wide world for his surgery, yet as human our powers are so very limited. Even the best doctors can only do so much. As humans, we are so helpless. We pride ourselves as having so much power, but do we really posses any?
Though our friend is out of ICU, we are told the rehab will be a long process. We can’t wait to have him back fully recovered. We can only patiently wait to experience more of the Almighty’s miracle and our friend’s recovery. There are so many things we take for granted, health is definitely one of them. We only realize the value when we realize how hard others are in need of prayers to restore it.
I believe with every trial and hassle we face in this life, a choice arrives with it. We can either opt to view it as a major impediment or as a challenge. Ultimately the choice determines whether one will turn toward our Creator or away from Him. For me, the choice has always been to accept that all is for the best. I find this acceptance very useful at difficult times. It’s a great reminder that in the bigger picture, my matter is most likely insignificant. In the grand perspective in this universe, we are like a grain of sand. And suddenly, all the nuisance becomes much less important and we continue to strive to be more content with our lives.
I’ll start to posting more regularly than I have been this year. In the meantime, if you are the praying kind, please keep my family and friends in your prayer. If you are not, please send your good vibes and thoughts our way.
Good to see you back. I’m overwhelmed with life as well and neglecting my blog royally. Well, there’s a time for everything.