What’s the most unusual thing you put on your head when you didn’t have a hijab around, but needed to answer the door quickly? I’m a mom of four, and from time to time, my hijabs get misplaced, so sometimes I have to get creative when searching for alternatives!
My older three children know that no one touches mama’s hijab and that it stays on the bench in the foyer, so mama can put it on quickly and answer the door. However, my 21 month old doesn’t understand this yet, so he will grab my hijab and put it upstairs, in the living room under the couch, in a toy box, and well you get the point!
Also note that I suffer from mommy brain and have a terrible memory, so sometimes I misplace my hijab myself and have no clue where I put it (this happens way more often than I’d like to admit!).
With that said, here are some interesting things I have had to use in place of a hijab when answering the door in a hurry:
- a receiving blanket (yup, the one you wrap newborn babies in),
- a towel,
- a poncho,
- a winter scarf, and
- my daughter’s hijab that barely fit me, as it was meant for 5 year olds! Haha!
Of course, now I make sure I have at least three hijabs on the main floor of my home, just in case I lose one, and so far so good!
True Hijab Story By: Sumaira Zaheer, blogger at The Muslimah Mommy
Read other inspiring stories of women’s decision to wear the Islamic head covering called, Hijab.
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