Rabi’ al awal, the third month of the Islamic Calendar. Several significant events took place in the life of our Prophet (pbuh) during this month. This month is considered to be a month of renewal, a time to renew your love for our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). It is an excellent time to remind ourselves of the significant events that took place and form some good habits.
Do you know the significance of this month and what happened in Rabi’ al awwal?
- This is the month our beloved prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was born and his light illuminated the world which continues to shine in our hearts.
- The marriage of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) with Khadija (ra) took place in Rabi’ al awwal.
- Hijrah from Makkah to Madina
- The first masjid in Islam was established in Quba. Then Masjid Nabawi in Madina.
- It is the same month when our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) left this world
Unlike the blessed months of Ramadan or Dhul Hijjah, there are no special recommendations to fast, pray extra or make du’a during Rabi’ al Awwal. However, the auspicious events that took place during this month, we cannot let it pass by without increasing our love for our beloved Prophet (pbuh).
Simple ways to make the most of Rabi’ al Awwal and truly honor the Prophet (saw):
Rainobw Quran | The Clear Quran
1. Reconnect With Allah swt
Rabi’ al Awwal is a time for renewal; being grateful to Allah swt, reviving our connection with Him and His Messenger by learning more about the Qur’an and Sunnah.
It’s a time to be thankful to Allah swt for sending our beloved Prophet (pbuh) to us to guide us to His Light. It is a time for grounding ourselves in our purpose of worshiping Allah swt.
2. Increase Your Salawat/Salutation Upon The Prophet (pbuh)
“Indeed, Allah showers His blessings upon the Prophet, and His angels pray for him. O believers! Invoke Allah’s blessings upon him, and salute him with worthy greetings of peace.”
Quran [33:56]
The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “Whoever sends blessings upon me, Allah will send blessings upon him tenfold”.
[Sahih Muslim, 384]
There are numerous such documented benefits of sending salam and blessing to the Prophet (pbuh). When you send salutation to the Prophet (pbuh), you are obeying the command of Allah, Allah returns the salutation ten times, the Prophet(pbuh) hears your greeting, and last but not least you get peace and blessings from the angels.
With such significant blessings, this is the best time to form the habit of sending even more frequent salawat to our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)? How about you start by sending 5 salawat in the morning and 5 at night? Maybe a few extra ones on Fridays, while preparing and cooking and so on. Strive to make it an integral part of your daily life. Find out how to send salawat on the Prophet (pbuh) here.
(For Adults)
REVELATION: The Story Of Muhammad | Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources
The Sealed Nectar | Children Around the Prophet | Daily Wisdom: Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad
(For Children)
The Story of the Holy Prophet Muhammad | 101 Seerah Stories and Dua
My Prophet Muhammad | Bedtime Sunnahs | Migo and Ali: Love for the Prophets | 30 Hadith For Kids
3. Revise The Seerah
Indeed, in the Messenger of Allah you have an excellent example for whoever has hope in Allah and the Last Day, and remembers Allah often.
Quran [33:21]
You can only truly love someone if you know who he is so studying the seerah is very important. The month of Rabi al Awwal is the perfect time to start reading and revising about the seerah of Rasulullah (saw). Set aside few extra minutes to spend as a family and learn about his life, his mannerisms and beautiful character.
4. Revive A Sunnah
This is the perfect month to start learning a few new Hadith as a family and strive to make these sunnah acts a habit for the family. Let’s make the intention and aspire to revive a sunnah. Any sunnah. It can be praying the sunnah prayers, fasting on Mondays and Thursdays, saying bismillah and salam when entering the house, sitting down to drink water or as simple as smiling more.
Don’t let this month pass by without incorporating a few sunnah in your life. Use this month as an opportunity to build good habits.
5. Give Charity
Honor the Prophet (pbuh) by following his guidance and best example. Generosity was among one of the countless good qualities of our Rasulullah(pbuh). His manner was such that when someone would take something from him, the Prophet (pbuh) would make feel that they were doing the Prophet (pbuh) a favor, and not the other way around. He would give even when he himself was in need. So give generously.
At WithASpin, we donate portion of our revenue throughout the year to non-profit organizations working towards humanitarian relief and development programs, eliminating global hunger, and fighting Islamophobia.
On the anniversary month of the Hijrah and establishment of the first masjid of Islam, let’s remind ourselves and strive to live by the words that our beloved Prophet(pbuh) greeted the people of Quba with,
‘O people, give one another greetings of peace, feed the hungry, honor the ties of kinship, and pray in the hours when men sleep. Then you shall enter Paradise in peace’
In many cultures, this month is dedicated to learning about the Prophet (pbuh), sending gifts to one another. Do you have any such traditions that you already follow in your family during Rabi’ al awwal? We’d love to hear your family traditions!
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Wonderful Alhamdulillah.
Very interesting and informative