Thyme Infused Honey
Prep time
Total time
Recipe type: Condiment
Serves: 1 cup
  • 1 cup honey
  • 2 tablespoon dried thyme (or choice of other dried herb such as rosemary, lavender, mint, etc.)
  1. Place the herbs in the bottom of a jar with a tight-fitting lid, then fill the jar almost to the top with honey.
  2. Use a skewer to stir the honey, then top off the jar with additional honey if needed. Wipe the jar rim with a clean cloth and cover tightly.
  3. Place the tightly lid jar in a cabinet for 5-7 days.
  4. Turn the jar over everyday to keep the herbs well coated.
  5. When your desired flavor is reached, pour the honey over a fine mesh strainer to remove the herbs into a clean jar.
Although some people make infused honeys with fresh herbs, this recipe calls for dried herbs in order to limit water activity and the growth of Clostridium botulinum spores. For more details, see Clemson Extension's Is herb-infused honey safe to prepare at home?
Dry herbs can be in the form of whole sprigs or separated leaves, buds, and petals. Chopped or crushed herbs infuse honey more quickly, but they may are harder to strain out.
To achieve a stronger flavor, allow the herbs to infuse longer.
You can also get creative and prepare a blend with multiple herbs to make your own signature honey!
Recipe by WithASpin at