Mera Pitha/Chua Pitha/Choi Pitha/Gurguria Pitha
Prep time
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Mera pitha is a popular gluten free Bangladeshi steamed rice dumplings served during winter mornings or special occasions.
Recipe type: Breakfast
Cuisine: Bangladeshi, Bengali
Serves: 10-12 pieces
  • 4 cups water
  • 1 teaspoon salt, or per taste
  • 1 teaspoon oil
  • 2 cups rice flour
  1. Boil water with salt. Add oil.
  2. When water is boiling hot, add the rice flour slowly. Lower the heat to medium low and mix with a wooden spoon making sure no lump remains.
  3. Take the dough off the flame when water dries. After about 2-3 minutes.
  4. While still hot, but bearable to your hands, knead the dough very well in lightly rice flour dusted surface until smooth.
  5. Divide dough into 10-12 balls and shape with the palm of your hands.
  6. To steam, fill up three quarters of a pot with boiling water. Place a net sieve or a perforated plate on top of the water level. You can use a steam cooker as well.
  7. Place a cotton cloth on top of the sieve and add the pitha on the sieve. Depending on the size of your pan and sieve, you may need to steam the pithas in batches.
  8. Steam for 15-18 minutes. Serve with spicy beef, chicken curry or molasses.
Refrain from adding cold or room temperature water to the dough.
Recipe by WithASpin at