Start things off right on Mother’s Day by spoiling her with sweet treats. Need gift ideas too? We’ve got you covered.
For a lot of us, we often didn’t realize what motherhood entailed until we became one. It is hard being a mother but also rewarding with hugs, kisses and I love you’s. Off course, there are sacrifices all mothers make along the way. Still, motherhood is an honor, not a job. I feel privileged to call myself R’s mom. My greatest rewards and greatest feelings are when R holds me tight with her small hands, when I thank her for being my daughter and she pats on my back in return, when I see her sleeping peacefully, when I hear her chattering the entire day. If I had to summarize a mother’s responsibilities in a job description, I couldn’t have done it better than the latest video that is going viral these days. A little exaggerated but the viral video makes a point. Motherhood is the toughest job in the world. Lives depend on mothers, the job has to be the toughest.
The Director of Operations job listing got 2.7 million impressions but only 24 people inquired after reading the job responsibilities. Requirements – unlimited hours. no breaks, no holidays, constantly on your feet. An impossible job that pays… “nothing”. The most important job is also the world’s toughest job.
With a whopping $0 salary, working 365 days, 24/7, I am enjoying the world’s toughest job, Director of Operations a.k.a. Mom. I look forward to the benefit of molding life and changing the world. While I enjoy my daughter, I am also reminded of my nurturing, loving mother. Though we can never repay our mothers, why not take some time to treat her with a specially decorated Swiss cake roll this mother’s day?
The steps to make the designed cake roll are simple. Draw the patterns on a parchment paper, bake the design for few minutes, add your cake batter, bake again, add filling, roll and voila. Ready to head to the kitchen to make the dazzling cake roll? The recipe is a basic one that you can use and add any flavorings of your choice.
Decorating a cake roll does not require butter and sugar-laden frosting. No buttery messes to clean up afterwards. The decorating still requires imagination, drawing, coloring and painting. The designs can be as simple as few diagonal stripes, swirls, or zigzags. If you are little more adventurous, try flowers, mehendi designs, special signs, words, etc. Both symmetric and asymmetric patterns will make the cake roll gift giving and entertaining worthy. Make it special and personalize for your mom. Mom would definitely feel special on her very special day. People around her will eat the designed cake roll with all of their senses.
If you haven’t watched the viral #WorldsToughestJob video, I highly recommend you watch it. I believe, you’ll love it.
- * For filling -
- ¾ cup heavy cream
- 2 tablespoons powdered sugar
- ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
- * For cake -
- 5 eggs, yolk and whites separated
- ⅝ teaspoon cream of tartar
- ¾ cup caster sugar, divided
- Pinch of salt
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1½ tablespoons lemon juice
- 2 tablespoons butter, melted
- ¼ cup heavy cream
- ¾ cup all purpose flour
- 1 tablespoon cocoa powder
- Prepare the filling in a bowl by Beating the heavy cream with powdered sugar and vanilla until stiff peak forms. Cover and refrigerate until ready to use.
- Make meringue by beating egg whites and cream of tartar with a pinch of salt until frothy. Slowly add in half the sugar and beat until stiff peak forms.
- In a separate bowl, beat egg yolks with the remaining sugar until light and pale yellow and custardy. Add vanilla, lemon juice, melted butter and heavy cream until incorporated.
- Sift the flour into the egg yolk mixture. Fold until the dry and wet ingredients are just combined.
- In a separate small bowl, take 3 tablespoon of the egg yolk mixture and 6 tablespoon of meringue (the egg white mixture), and 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder. Gently fold until the ingredients are incorporated.
- Line a 10 X 15-inch baking pan with parchment paper.
- Fill the colored cocoa mixture into a prepared piping bag. Gently squeeze the piping bag to release batter and draw the desired pattern using the tips below. Remove the paper under the parchment if you were using one.
- Preheat oven to 350 degree Fahrenheit.
- Bake for 5 minutes or until decorative patterns are set.
- While the pattern is baking, gently fold in the remaining meringue into the egg mixture in three batches. Be careful not to deflate the egg whites.
- When the patterns are done baking, pour the cake batter on top and gently spread the batter into an even layer.
- Bake cake for 10 minutes, or until a tooth pick inserted comes out clean.
- Remove cake from oven and cool on a wiring rack.
- Roll the cake using tips below.
- Wrap the filled cake with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least an hour, or until ready to serve.
I used lemon juice to make a plain sponge cake. You may substitute the 1½ tablespoons lemon juice with liquid coffee for mocha flavor, pandan juice for pandan flavor, beet juice for a red velvet decorated cake roll.
You may substitute 1 tablespoon cocoa powder with matcha, coffee, green tea or food color of your choice to create the patterns.
* Drawing the pattern:
If you are great at drawing, you can free hand and pipe the design directly on the parchment paper. For others, it may be easier to make a template first. Take a piece of paper as big as your baking pan so the paper fits well in the pan. Pencil your design first so you can erase if need to. Once you are happy with the pattern trace it with a marker so that the design will show through easily. Use the pattern sheet as your template and put the parchment paper for the cake on top of the template to draw the design with pastry tip.
*How to roll cake:
After removing the cake from the oven, cool a little. While the cake is still warm, roll the cake and parchment together. The parchment will end up coiled inside the cake. Cool the cake on a wire rack. After an hour or so when cake is completely cool, unroll and remove the parchment. The cake will be slightly wavy. Proceed with spreading the filling. Re-roll.
*Tips to handle piping bag:
Place the piping bag in a tall cup for filling so you won't have to hold while stuffing the bag.
Pipe out a small line on some extra paper to work out any air bubbles.
Filling the piping bag loosely will result in lots of air bubbles and the outcome sloppy and scribbled writing.
ফিলিং এর জন্য –
৩/৪ কাপ হেভী ক্রিম
২ টেবিল চামচ চিনি গুড়া
১/৪ চা চামচ ভ্যানিলা নির্যাস
কেকের জন্য –
৫টি ডিম, কুসুম ও সাদা আলাদা করা
৫/৮ চা চামচ ক্রিম অব টারটার
৩/৪ কাপ ক্যাসটার সুগার, বিভক্ত
এক চিম্টি লবণ
১ চা চামচ ভ্যানিলা নির্যাস
১ ১/২ টেবিল চামচ লেবুর রস
২ টেবিল চামচ মাখন
১/৪ কাপ হেভী ক্রিম
৩/৪ কাপ ময়দা
১ টেবিল চামচ কোকো পাউডার
১. ফিলিং এর জন্য, হেভী ক্রিম, চিনি এবং ভ্যানিলা একসঙ্গে ফেটুন যতক্ষন জমাট না ক্রীমের মত হয়। ঢাকনা দিয়ে ফ্রিজে রাখুন।
২. ডিমের সাদা অংশের সাথে ক্রিম অব টারটার ও এক চিম্টি লবণ দিয়ে মেরাং তৈরী করুন। ধীরে ধীরে অর্ধেক চিনি যোগ করুন এবং মেরাং জমাট বাঁধা না পর্যন্ত ফেটতে থাকুন।
৩. একটি পৃথক বাটিতে, অবশিষ্ট চিনি দিয়ে ডিমের কুসুম হালকা ফ্যাকাশে হলুদ না হওয়া পর্যন্ত ফেটিয়ে নিন। ভ্যানিলা, লেবুর রস, গলানো মাখন এবং হেভী ক্রিম ভালভাবে মিশিয়ে নিন।
৪. ডিমের কুসুমের মিশ্রণে টালা ময়দা দিয়ে ভাঁজে ভাঁজে ভালোভাবে মিশিয়ে নিন।
৫. একটি পৃথক ছোট বাটিতে, ৩ টেবিল চামচ ডিমের কুসুম মিশ্রণ, ৬ টেবিল চামচ মেরাং ( ডিমের সাদা মিশ্রণ ) এবং ১ টেবিল চামচ কোকো পাউডার আলতো করে ভাঁজে ভাঁজে মিশিয়ে নিন।
৬. একটি ১০ X ১৫ বেকিং ট্রেতে পাচর্মেন্ট পেপার বিছিয়ে নিন।
৭. প্যাস্ট্রি ব্যাগে কোকো মিশ্রণ ভরে পাচর্মেন্ট পেপারে আলতো করে পছন্দসই প্যাটার্ন এঁকে নিন।
৮. ওভেন ৩৫০ ডিগ্রী ফারেনহাইটে প্রি-হিট করুন।
৯. বেকিং ট্রেতে ৫ মিনিট বা প্যাটার্ন সেট না হওয়া পর্যন্ত বেক করে নিন।
১০. তিন বারে আলতো করে ডিমের মিশ্রণে মধ্যে অবশিষ্ট মেরাং ভাঁজে ভাঁজে মিশিয়ে নিন। সতর্ক থাকবেন মেরাং যেন চুপসে না যায়।
১১. বেক করা প্যাটার্নের উপরে কেকের খামির ঢেলে আলতোভাবে ট্রেতে ছড়িয়ে দিন।
১২. ১০ মিনিট বা একটি টুথপিক ঢুকিয়ে পরিষ্কারভাবে বের না হয়ে আসা পর্যন্ত বেক করুন।
১৩. কেক ওভেন থেকে বের করে, একটি বেকিং র্যাক এর ঠান্ডা করে নিন।
১৪. উপরের টিপস ব্যবহার করে কেক মুড়িয়ে নিন।
১৫. অন্তত এক ঘন্টা বা পরিবেশন করার আগে পর্যন্ত প্লাস্টিক র্যাপারে মুড়িয়ে কেক ফ্রিজে রাখুন।
প্রয়োজনিও কিছু টিপস্ এর জনে্য দয়াকরে আটির্কেল অথবা ইংরেজি রেসিপির নোট সেকশনটা একটু দেখে নেবেন।
Dixya @ Food, Pleasure, and Health says
this is my boyfriends favorite dessert – i want to make this asap. thanks for sharing this Lail.
Lail Hossain says
Thanks Dixya. I would love to know if you make it. Have fun baking the roll!
Daniela @ FoodrecipesHQ says
I haven’t watched the video yet… I totally agree with you on motherhood, it’s a hard job and yet a blessing!
I love the idea of decorating a cake this way and thus avoiding all the sugar and fat of the frosting!
Lail Hossain says
Thank you, Daniela.
Shruti says
I really wanna try it..hope mine will look like it
Lail Hossain says
It’ll probably look even better, Shruti. I would love to know if you make it. Thanks a lot.
Liz says
wow–fantastic! Love the design. Would never have thought to build it with the squiggles on the outside from the start. What a lovely tribute to motherhood 🙂
Lail Hossain says
Thank you, Liz. This was a fun cake to make.
Helen @ Scrummy Lane says
This is amazing! Like a henna tattoo swiss roll. I love it and am definitely pinning!
Lail Hossain says
You are right, Helen. It is like a henna tattoo. As a matter of fact, I was looking through some henna paintings before making the cake. Thanks!
DellaCucinaPovera says
This looks lovely. @Helen, now I see a giant henna tattoo, too 🙂 Happy almost mother’s day to you!
Lail Hossain says
Thank you, Francesca.
Denise Browning@From Brazil To You says
Lail, my dear! What a gorgeous, scrumptious roll cake… I wish I could have a big slice of it! Happy Mother’s Day!
Lail Hossain says
Thank you, Denise.
Jong Belegen Kaas says
lovely swiss roll with beautiful decoration!
Lail Hossain says
Thank you!
Jong Belegen Kaas says
Kungphoo says
I could eat that for breakfast!! Looks really good!
Lail Hossain says
This is a great roll for breakfast/brunch.
Paula Parker says
Very elegant dessert. Thank you for posting
Lail Hossain says
Thank you, Paula.
Coupondipity (@Coupondipity) says
This looks great! Thanks for sharing the step by step instructions!
Lail Hossain says
Thank you!
Jen says
This is STUNNING! and I am sure it tastes just as wonderful as it looks – I love Swiss rolls!
Lail Hossain says
Thank you for your kind words, Jen. The Swiss roll tasted fabulous. Thanks a lot!
shashi @ says
I watched that video and it was amazing! And so is this swiss roll – wow – so gorgeous and all without frosting!
Lail Hossain says
Thanks a lot, Shashi. We are not that much a frosting kind of a family, so this was perfect for us. Thank you for stopping by. Hope to see you around soon again.
Dawn @ Pin-n-Tell says
So pretty! Not only does this recipe sound like it would be yummy but it’s visually appealing 🙂 Any Mom would love this for Mother’s Day.
Lail Hossain says
Thanks a lot, Dawn, for your kind words. I am humbled. Hope to see you around again soon.
thatskinnychickcanbake says
Stunning! I made a cake like this early in my blog. My intent was to do a gorgeous design like yours, except I can’t draw!!! I did some simple stripes, but yours is really a masterpiece!
Lail Hossain says
I need to go look up your cake. Thanks a lot, Liz.
Nammi says
Wow, that is a beautiful swiss roll!!.
Lail Hossain says
Thanks a lot Nammi.
Bam's Kitchen says
Happy Mothers Day to you! This is a gorgeous swiss roll cake, you are talented to make that intricate design.
Lail Hossain says
Thank you, Bam.
Graham @ Glazed & Confused says
Yep, there’s absolutely no way I could ever make something that beautiful!
Lail Hossain says
Oh, you are very humble. I’m sure you can if you try 🙂 Thank you for stopping by.
Choc Chip Uru says
Thats a stunner of an idea, Happy Mothers Day to you and kudos on the creativity 😀
Choc Chip Uru
Lail Hossain says
Thanks a lot, Uru.
rinkub says
Beautiful! And so true, we really understand motherhood, when we experience it!
Lail Hossain says
Glad you agree. Thanks a bunch for stopping by!
Nancy/SpicieFoodie says
I’ve always wanted to make a Swiss roll. Yours is gorgeous and sounds delicious too. Can’t think of a better cake to have baked for the holiday.
Lail Hossain says
Thank you, Nancy.
Tina @ Tina's Chic Corner says
I hope you had a lovely Mother’s Day! This cake is so gorgeous! I’ve always wanted to make a roll cake so I’m excited about this recipe. 🙂
Lail Hossain says
Thank you, Tina. I did have a wonderful mother’s day. Hope you have a lovely one too. I hope you give the recipe a try and I would love to know when you try it. Thanks a lot.
julie says
beautifully done 🙂
Lail Hossain says
Thank you!
nadia says
This is so beautiful and elegant!
MyNinjaNaan says
This looks fabulous Lail! It looks gorgeous!
By the way, I’m not receiving emails when you have new posts anymore. I’m not sure why; I tried subscribing again but it said that I was already subscribed 🙁
Shibi@FlavzCorner says
The swiss roll looks stunning!!! I have been wanting to make this for some time with the patterns on it. You did an excellent job decorating it!!!
Gaye @CalmHealthySexy says
Hi Lail – This is really lovely. Thanks so much for sharing with the Let’s Get Real Party.
maggiemaysgifts says
Oh my that looks delicious. Especially the filling!! 🙂
Rashida says
This is definitely a masterpiece Lail and even my family is not big fan of frosting so bookmarking it. I love your each post.
Lail Hossain says
Thank you, deaer Rashida. Good to see you after a long time.
robin fox says
Dear lail, I’m not a mother so the most difficult job for me will be making this cake for MY mother! Thanks!
Lail Hossain says
Haha Robin. If you think about what your mom did for you, I’m sure you can do it 😉
Thanks for stopping by.
mini says
Hi there,
Could you please share recipe without eggs. I do not eat eggs. That would be great help.
Thank you
Sarah says
Does the pattern taste over baked? What about freezing it for an hour then putting the cake batter on and baking it? Could you do letters instead of pattern ?
Lail Hossain says
Hi Sarah! No the pattern doesn’t taste over baked as it’s baked only for a short span of time.
As for letters, I can’t think of a reason why not.You can make any design you want – letters, patterns, anything goes.
Sarah says
Ok thank you ive been looking into swiss roll designs and the baking the pattern first worried me that it would be over baked.